Most of them are still doing the same (they are in their comfort zone, they are sick of insanity), most of them haven’t worked on their mindset, they haven’t developed any skill, they continue paying courses and not masterminds/mentors. They were scammed once and they quitted, they failed a few times and they quitted, they weren’t working hard, people don’t really know the meaning of working hard and determination, they have the same friends and atmosphere, they don’t have the balls to removed the shit out of their lives and continue alone even though they don’t have anything… They are blinds without a vision and they are scare of success and failure. They find excuses and not solutions. They don’t plan, they try to climb a mountain when they even leave the house (most of them forget a very important thing… To be humble), a simple small thing/person/situation distracts them from their goals (magic bullets and shiny objects illness), they are pesimists and complainers, always complaining about things, life, people, bad luck… They blame anyone but themselves… They don’t give a shit, they don’t care, they do what they do for money without a purpose, without love… But mainly they haven’t finded us… I guess they are not hungry enough… Good morning!

P.S. Never quit.