Sorry to be the bearer of bad news… but you have been lied to since you were but a sperm in your dad’s ballsack…

If you don’t know the School-College-Job-House-Children-Dog System is broken now a days…

University is a $50,000 Ponzi Scheme that doesn’t work and will never deliver what promised…

A university degree is not going to make you any money… A good degree is not going to help you achieve your goals… You can not relay on it… Never.

Jobs are obsolete…

I spent 7 years in University only to find out that I had to start at the very bottom when I entered the workforce…

If I would have invested all the money and time that I spent in the School-College-Job-House-Children-Dog System…

I would be worth 9 figures by now…

I am so sorry to be so honest.

Which path are you on?

Good luck and have fun!