If you don’t know the 6 rules for success of A. S. I will post here something that I have in my mind every f* morning:

>>> Ted Turner used to say always, “Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise.” <<< keep those words in mind, apply them and you will succeed!!!!!!

Sometimes I feel like I don’t sleep enough… But I know 100% sure that it is because I am really hungry, most of the people I know… They lose the hunger… the more money they make the less hungry they are… Why is that so?

6 rules of success… listen carefully to this…

Don’t sleep too much, stay hungry and follow the 6 rules…

1. Trust yourself
2. Break the Rules
3. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail
4. Don’t Listen to the Naysayers
5. Work Your Butt Off
6. Give Back

Mohammed Ali, one of my great heroes, had a great line in the ’70s when he was asked, “How many sit-ups do you do?” He said, “I don’t count my sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting. When I feel pain, that’s when I start counting, because that’s when it really counts.”

That’s what makes you a champion. No pain, no gain. And let me tell you, it is important to have fun in life, of course.

But when you’re out there partying, horsing around, someone out there at the same time is working hard.

Someone is getting smarter and someone is winning. Just remember that. Now, if you want to coast through life, don’t pay attention to any of those rules.

But if you want to win, there is absolutely no way around hard, hard work.

I’ve always figured out that there 24 hours a day. You sleep six hours and have 18 hours left. Now, I know there are some of you out there that say well, wait a minute, I sleep eight hours or nine hours. Well, then, just sleep faster, I would recommend. (Laughter)

Because you only need to sleep six hours and then you have 18 hours left, and there are a lot of things you can accomplish. As a matter of fact, Ed Turner used to say always, “Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise.”